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8 strategies for setting effective durations for agenda items in a meeting

meeting duration

Whenever having a meeting without a well-planned agenda, they can quickly become unfocused and inefficient. One of the most critical aspects of a good agenda is assigning appropriate durations to each agenda item.

Setting proper time limits helps maintain focus, keeps the meeting moving smoothly, and ensures that all topics are covered. Below are some tips on how to set effective durations for meeting agenda items.

1. Understand the purpose of each item

Before assigning a duration to an agenda item, it’s crucial to understand its purpose. Is it for sharing information, brainstorming ideas, making a decision, or solving a problem? Items that require deeper discussions or decision-making will need more time than those simply meant to inform.

2. Set realistic time limits

While it’s tempting to rush through the agenda to keep the meeting short, being too aggressive with time limits can backfire. Consider how much time each topic realistically requires based on the complexity, and allow enough time for meaningful discussion without causing the meeting to run over. A good rule of thumb is to add a buffer of 5-10 minutes for items that could potentially lead to in-depth discussion.

3. Prioritize key topics

Not all agenda items are created equal. Identify the most critical topics and allocate more time to them. Less important items should receive less time and can even be postponed if time runs short.

For example, if a meeting has several items but only one or two that are crucial, give those priority by scheduling them earlier in the agenda and providing ample time for discussion.

4. Stick to the schedule

Once durations are set, it’s essential to adhere to them. A timekeeper or meeting facilitator can help ensure that the meeting stays on track. Use tools like visual timers or signals to indicate when time is running low for a particular item. This will encourage participants to focus on what’s essential and prevent tangents from derailing the conversation.

5. Build in breaks and transitions

If your meeting is longer than 60 minutes, be sure to include brief breaks or transition periods. Even just a 5-minute break after every hour can help participants stay engaged and refreshed. Similarly, allow time for transitions between agenda items, especially if the topics differ significantly. A short reset period helps the meeting flow more smoothly.

6. Be flexible but structured

Even with the best planning, sometimes discussions take unexpected turns, and an item may need more time than originally allotted. It’s important to remain flexible. However, if an item goes over its time limit, the meeting facilitator should either bring the discussion to a close or propose moving it to a follow-up meeting.

Staying structured while allowing for minor adjustments ensures that the meeting remains productive without going off course.

7. Get input from participants

Before finalizing the agenda and setting durations, get input from the meeting participants. They may have a better understanding of how long certain discussions will take based on the complexity of the issues. This collaborative approach helps set more accurate durations and fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among attendees.

8. Use technology to automate time management

Tools like Orquesti can assist in managing the time allocated for each topic, allowing you to predict the meeting length more accurately before sending out invitations. They also help ensure the meeting stays within the scheduled time during the discussion.

Assigning proper durations to agenda items is a powerful way to keep your meetings on track. Incorporating these practices will ensure that every minute of your meeting is valuable, making your organization more effective and focused.

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