

Exclusive early access program

Be among the first to experience our meeting efficiency software

Program benefits

  • Free use of product with all features until launch
  • 50% discount on your first 3 months after public launch
  • Priority access before public launch
  • Dedicated onboarding support
  • Opportunity to provide feedback and shape the product

Limited availability

This offer is exclusive to our waitlist members and is available on a first-come, first served basis

How it works

  1. Join our waitlist
  2. Receive an invitation to the early access program before public launch
  3. Enjoy free full featured product use until launch
  4. Provide valuable feedback to help us improve
  5. After launch, get 50% discount for 3 months

Don't miss this chance to boost your meetings before everyone else

How was the meeting?

meeting feedback

Effective meetings are crucial for team productivity and decision-making. However, not all meetings provide the value they should. To improve the quality of your meetings, it’s essential to assess their effectiveness regularly. Rating meeting quality helps identify what works and what needs improvement, ensuring that meetings remain productive and purposeful. Here’s how you can evaluate the quality of your meetings.

Evaluate the clarity of objectives

A successful meeting begins with clear objectives. Evaluate whether the meeting had a well-defined purpose and whether it met that purpose. Ask yourself and your participants if the meeting’s goals were communicated upfront and if those goals were achieved by the end. Clear objectives keep the meeting focused and prevent unnecessary discussions.

Measure engagement and participation

The quality of a meeting can be assessed by how engaged participants are. Consider how many people actively contributed and whether all voices were heard. High levels of participation usually indicate a healthy, collaborative environment. Conversely, if only a few people dominated the discussion while others remained silent, it may suggest that the meeting was less inclusive or lacked clear opportunities for input.

Review time management

Time management is a key indicator of meeting quality. Analyze whether the meeting started and ended on time and if the time was used efficiently. A well-run meeting should stick to the agenda without diverging into unrelated topics. If discussions consistently go off track or meetings frequently run over time, it’s a sign that improvements are needed in managing the schedule.

Assess decision-making and outcomes

Meetings should lead to actionable outcomes. Assess how many decisions were made and whether the meeting concluded with a clear plan for the next steps. If participants leave with uncertainty about what happens next, the meeting likely wasn’t effective. Good meetings should result in tangible outcomes, such as tasks assigned to specific people, deadlines, or action items that drive progress.

Consider participant feedback

Regularly gathering feedback from participants is essential to understanding the overall meeting experience. Ask attendees whether they felt the meeting was valuable and if they believed it was the best use of their time. Listening to participant feedback helps you adjust your approach to future meetings and ensure continuous improvement. Using a platform like Orquesti for your meetings will allow you to capture feedback easily among other features.

Track progress over time

To get a more comprehensive view of your meeting quality, track metrics over time. For instance, consider metrics such as the number of meetings held, time spent in meetings, and the number of decisions or action items generated. Reviewing trends can help you identify patterns, such as whether meetings are becoming more productive or whether certain challenges persist. Continuous tracking will help you improve your meetings’ overall effectiveness.

Assessing meeting quality requires a holistic approach that includes clear objectives, participation, time management, decision-making, and feedback. By regularly evaluating these factors, you can refine your meetings to be more efficient, collaborative, and impactful.

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